Monday, September 1, 2008

Marvelous Monday #19 :: Go get yourself the best americano EVER...

I am not going to be shy about this... Megan is the best barista ever. No, I mean it . I have never NEVER had an Americano like she makes it. When I still had my day job, I would visit Megan every morning at 9am when she opened the doors to the coffee house and I'd indulge in something delightfully caffeinated until my heart was content. Ok, maybe I usually showed up at 8:55 and banged annoyingly on the door till she opened it because I just couldn't wait till 9...

But in any case, if your Monday is off to a slow start and you work at MBU (or anywhere near it), you should swing by thePerk and have Megan make you an Americano. It will for sure make your Monday marvelous.

Oh, and did I mention that in addition to being world's greatest barista, Megan's also quite photogenic? Check out these shots I snagged of her and her fiance Stephen in Lafayette Square




loving the light that day



how fitting that we should stop at a coffee shop during our shoot

and of course we had to stop by my favorite alley

Ok, and one more little tidbit about Megan... she has an awesome voice. Like.... disarmingly awesome. If you've heard her sing, you know what I mean.




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