Sunday, July 15, 2007

St. Louis Trash the Dress!!

So there's this trend in wedding photography where the bride meets with the photographer after the wedding to do a shoot in places that a bride typically wouldn't be, like a city alley or railroad tracks or in a pond (that's right... I said IN a pond). A few of us photographers got together last Friday to shoot a Trash the Dress session with a model... who just happens to be one of my good friends, Carrie. We had an awesome time shooting together and Carrie did a great job! Thanks so much to Michelle for setting up the event!

Michelle measured the water to see just how deep Carrie would have to wade. She was brave ;)

If you're interested in booking a Trash the Dress session, please contact me for more information at


Kelly Park Photography said...

Great Job Lisa...I really like #9 and 10!

Angie Knapp said...

I want to do a trash the dress shoot! How fun!!!! Yes! I'll email you!